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Kamps Pallets Named Top Five Website in Pallet Industry by Pallet Enterprise


Kamps Pallets is proud to announce that our website has been selected as one of the Top Five Pallet Company Websites by Pallet Enterprise.

Pallet Enterprise is a leading pallet and sawmill trade magazine in the United States – for almost 40 years. The awards are a great way to recognize top performers in website design and functionality and to promote innovative digital marketing practices. This year, the Pallet Enterprise and Woodview Media staff evaluated more than 65 websites for pallet manufacturers, recyclers, and brokers across the United States. The awards took into consideration companies and websites of all sizes.

” A video-based homepage, top screen captures the attention of a visitor while highlight the equipment and people of Kamps. The website has a very intuitive design. All the major aspects of the website are easy to find off the homepage navigation menu. From the product descriptions to the company history, each page has engaging graphics and simple messaging designed to provide a quick explanation that is easy to navigate on a desktop or smartphone. The green color scheme ties in well with the environmental messaging throughout the website.”

Pallet Enterprise on Kamps Pallets Website

The Criteria For Top Websites

During the selection process of the top websites Pallet Enterprise looked at four primary criteria.


Is the information helpful for pallet users, customers and employees or prospective workers? Does the website offer more than just basic company information?

As the industry leaders in wood pallets and pallet recycling, we are proud to contain a large library of content on both subject matters. We are dedicated to educating our customers (potential, current, and past) on all best practices regarding pallets and their pallet programs – and for us, that starts with our website.

Customer Service

Can customers effectively find solutions or product descriptions? Are there effective methods to interact with the company or seek quotes? Does the website present solutions or helpful resources?

“Your Platform for Customer Service” is at the core of everything that we do – including our website. We want our visitors to feel comfortable while searching and to be able to locate information they need efficiently.

Brand Messaging

Does the website cover key selling advantages? How effective is the public image created by the design, logo, images, etc.

In the pallet industry, the Kamps brand is strong, extremely recognizable, and our emphasis on customer service is felt by customers almost immediately once they launch a pallet program with us. With our website, it is our goal to reflect the same brand messaging and give our customers the same experience digitally.


Does this website look like every other pallet website? Or does it offer something that stands out?

As mentioned previously, customer service is at the core of everything that we do – including our website. That is why one of the unique aspects of our website is the overall optimized functionality of it. Our goal is to ensure that every visitor can find the information they are looking for in two clicks or less, and to be presented with only the most important information needed.

“The company’s careers section allows prospects to apply online and identify key benefits offered by the company. One of the best aspects of the website is its blog focusing on key topics that cover major customer concerns as well as identify ways that customers can improve their pallet programs. Topics include: pallet design, mold growth prevention, Kamps people, environmental benefits of wood products and much more. Kamps also offers a PDF download of pallet recycling guide for potential new customers. Titled “The Ultimate Guide to Pallet Recycling” it positions Kamps as a subject matter expert and points customers to various solutions.”

Pallet Enterprise on Kamps Pallets Website


We would like to thank Pallet Enterprise and every one involved in the process for recognizing our website as one of the top five websites in the pallet industry. Our digital team works hard every single day to bring the best possible experience to our visitors, and the recognition is much appreciated.

We also appreciate the industry-wide impact these awards have in encouraging innovative approaches to digital marketing and web experience for all pallet companies.