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Case Study: Latest Innovation in Pallet Dismantling & Recycling – The USL

Evolving customer demands and scarcity labor pools require pallet manufactures to stay ahead of the curve in order to maintain operational proficiency. Pallet suppliers, like Kamps, work tirelessly to implement innovative initiatives that allow us to stay ahead of this curve and support continuously evolving customer demands. These initiatives, typically, aim to solve some of ...

Top 3 Pallet KPIs Your Supplier Should Be Tracking

Importance of Tracking Pallet KPIs   Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the pallet industry is an extremely important component of a partnership between a pallet buyer and supplier. If you are a pallet supplier, tracking KPIs allows you to identify areas of improvement for your company. It can also be used as a way ...
Man placing product and pallets in export container

Exporting Post-COVID-19: The Importance a Strong Heat-Treated Pallet Supplier Will Play in 2021.

While COVID-19 has negatively impacted U.S. businesses exporting products, and global trade as a whole, now is the perfect time for these businesses to strategize and correctly plan for the future. During this planning, the business’s shipping operations (once global trade resumes), should be a priority – and that is where heat-treated pallets take center ...

When it comes to recycling, pallet composition matters.

With experience in pallet recycling for over 45 years, we have seen it all at Kamps; and have run into every sort of pallet and recycling challenge imaginable. One of the most common misconceptions is the notion that all pallets are equal. While all pallets do serve a common purpose, when it comes to recycling, the ...
Used pallet cores stacked outside

Accountability & Integrity are Important in Used Cores Sales

Selling your used pallet cores is a great way for a business to generate an extra revenue stream and offset pallet purchase expenses. Especially if your business uses and disposes of standard 48x40, and other popular, pallet sizes. In order to get the most out of your used cores, a relationship with a pallet company ...
Stack of new pallets at Kamps warehouse

Standard Pallet Sizes With Chart

What is the Standard Pallet Size?   When individuals refer to the “Standard Pallet Size” in the United States, they are typically talking about the GMA 48” x 40” (seen in the photo below). Specifications for this pallet are 3.5-inch-wide and 1/2-inch-thick deck boards. Around 30% of all new wood pallets produced in the United States ...
New Kamps Website on laptop and mobile phone

New Kamps Pallets Website

  As Kamps Pallets continues to grow as a company, we felt it was important that our website also reflected that growth. That is why, for the past couple of months, we have been hard at work crafting a website that does just that. Our new website is packed with educational content, in-depth looks into ...
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