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Earth Day 2019

Earth Day 2019: 10 Recycling Tips from Kamps Pallets

Earth Day 2019 is here! Earth Day is a great reminder that it is never too late to take steps to reduce your environmental footprint. Admit it, there are times when we all could put better effort into our personal recycling efforts. Recycling is simple, effective, and something anyone can do to both reduce environmental ...

Kamps Pallet Recycling: We Are ForestProud!

Are you #ForestProud? Did you know the recycling rate for pallets is 95%! Can you believe that? Ninety-five percent of the pallets in circulation in our economy are or will be recycled at the end of their lifecycle. While this may seem like just another random statistic, when you compare it to recycling rates for ...
workplace injuries

7 Actions to Take to Avoid Workplace Injuries

Workplace safety is crucial for both companies and workers. No one wants to get hurt or to see coworkers get injured. To ensure employee safety, we cannot ignore best safety practices. Sometimes a little extra effort when it comes to safety can go a long way to avoiding injury. Here are a few reminders to ...
Mitchell Kamps

Introducing Kamps Pallets’ New President: Mitchell Kamps

We are very pleased to announce that Mitchell Kamps is the new President of Kamps Pallets. He is a face many in our company will find very familiar. Employees in our offices and plants have had the opportunity to work with and get to know Mitchell throughout the 22 years he has worked for the ...
need pallets

I Need Pallets – Now What?

If you need pallets and you’re looking for a pallet provider, you may be wondering where to begin. Lucky for you, we at Kamps have put together a quick guide of information to help you get started! First, if you’re looking to purchase, know what size pallet you need. If you don’t know what size ...
a-z challenge

The Pallet Industry Takes on the A-Z Challenge

Kamps is proud to supply the pallet industry and serve customers across the nation. As we’ve noted before, the pallet is “the single most important object in the global economy.” Our lives would not be the same without pallets! From start to finish, pallets are a crucial part of the way our economy works. Given ...
employee wellness

How to Prioritize Employee Wellness

Between working full time, caring for kids, participating in family or social activities, and volunteering, exercise can be the first thing people put off. The day only has so many hours. Unfortunately, many Americans spend the bulk of their work week sitting behind a desk or otherwise being inactive. According to statistics gathered by the ...
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