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GMA pallet

What Are the GMA Pallet Guidelines for Food Industry Pallets?

Grocery stores, distribution centers and manufacturing plants all use pallets to handle food and beverages. To ensure the process of moving products between warehouses and locations is quick and standardized, the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), now known as the Consumer Brands Association (CBA), has established a set of guidelines for all food industry pallets. These ...
winter blues

Kamps Conquers the Winter Blues

Whether we want to accept the fact that another winter season will soon be here, preparations for snow, slush, and wet conditions are already taking place at Kamps Pallets. Kamps has always been committed to safety in our plants and to forklift safety in particular. Although not all of our customers nationwide will be affected ...
everything you need

Pallets: Everything You Need to Know

If you’ve been to Costco or Sam’s Club lately, you know what a pallet looks like and maybe that pallets are used for shipping products all over the world. Aside from that, what is a pallet really? Here is everything you need to know: Top Pallet Questions:  What is a pallet? A pallet is a ...

Fact or Fiction – Kamps Pallets Version

FACT or FICTION? Here are some common ideas about pallets, the pallet market and our company with our straight take on the truth of each. 95% of wooden pallets in the market are being recycled FACT: At Kamps Pallets, we track our efforts to preserve natural resources with our Green Scorecard. Over the last year ...
social media

Why Social Media in Manufacturing Shouldn’t Be Overlooked

There is no question that social media has grown and evolved over the last ten years and truly consumes our modern day world. Facebook has changed from becoming a place to connect with old friends to catching the latest news, seeing what events are happening around town, or posting a photo of your latest shareable ...
Kandi Braspenninx

Employee Spotlight: Kandi Braspenninx

Sometimes striving for excellence means showing the same dedication that you have in creating a beautiful garden and bringing it into the Accounts Payable department. When Kandi Braspenninx was a child, her grandmother inspired in her a love of flowers that has stuck around to this day. From roaming her grandmother’s garden to creating beautiful ...

Kamps Pallet Inc. and Corrloc LLC Announces Strategic Partnership in Long Term Sustainability with Corrugated Pallets

6/25/18--- Kamps Pallets, a national pallet company headquartered in Grand Rapids, MI, announces partnership with Corrloc LLC, a corrugated pallet and packaging company. Dan Gibson, Corrloc co-founder, says, “Corrloc will be widely adopted in the market place due to its cost to strength ratio.  Our customers will no longer have to choose one or the ...
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