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Pallet Market Analysis text next to kamps employee lifting a wooden pallet

Current Pallet Market Analysis | Factors Affecting Inventory & Pricing

If you are involved in the process of buying wood pallets for your organization, you may have come across either pallet inventory challenges or pallet price fluctuations in the past 6 months or so. In this article we outline the potential causes for both inventory challenges and pricing fluctuations in the pallet market. We will ...

Where to Buy Wood Pallets | The Ultimate Guide To Pallet Procurement

Whether it is your first time looking to buy wood pallets or you are a pallet procurement professional working for a large national company, it is important to know the most important factors of pallet buying before making a decision. As the industry-leading experts in pallets, we have wood pallets for sale of all sizes ...
marketing your sustainability efforts hero image with environmental savings report from kamps

Marketing Your Sustainability Initiatives | Green Scorecard

Our top three priorities at Kamps Pallets are pallet recycling, environmental sustainability, and customer service. Our Kamps Green Scorecard is the combination of all of these priorities. It tracks and measures the direct impact Kamps and our customers have on the environment through our pallet recycling services. The three indicators of environmental impact in our ...
Kamps employee repairing a used pallet

Repair and Return Pallet Programs | Top 4 Benefits

Pallet Repair and Return (R&R) programs carry many benefits for organizations that use large volume of pallets for their shipping operations. Not only are repair and return programs one of the most environmentally friendly pallet recycling programs available, they also offer great cost-saving benefits. Below we have identified the top 4 benefits our customers can ...

Kamps Green Scorecard Results for 2020

As the premier pallet recycling company in the United States, Kamps Pallets has made it a priority to make a positive environmental impact on our planet year in and year out. We achieve this mission through carefully constructed pallet reconditioning, remanufacturing, and recycling programs. The impacts of these programs are tracked in our Green Scorecard and ...
Kamps Pallets voted top pallet company website

Kamps Pallets Named Top Five Website in Pallet Industry by Pallet Enterprise

Kamps Pallets is proud to announce that our website has been selected as one of the Top Five Pallet Company Websites by Pallet Enterprise. Pallet Enterprise is a leading pallet and sawmill trade magazine in the United States - for almost 40 years. The awards are a great way to recognize top performers in website ...
KP Portal update image

Kamps Update: KP Portal Data Platform

Whether you are buying wood pallets or selling wood pallets – any successful pallet program must have superior data management and reporting. At Kamps, we place a large importance on both the management of data we share with our customers and internal KPIs that we collect. In an effort to further improve the experience of ...
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